The Voice of Mooji

In my last post, I shared the beginning of my enjoyment of the message of spiritual union that I have discovered in the writings and teachings of Advaita master, Mooji.   Anyone who is curious can easily find videos of his meditations and teaching sessions, called satsangs, on You Tube.

The critical ‘pointing’ (Mooji’s preferred description of his message) that I take away is that Truth is what we discover when we drop our projections, when we cease to create narratives to account for everything we love and everything we hate.  When we release the impulse to beat ourselves up, or beat up other people (a single act aimed in two directions), and simply accept that we are all doing our best to get by, the storms of rage, fear, and judgment begin to subside.

What I discovered as I sat in meditation without the need for a prayer word, or mantra, or special practice for Lent, or anything in particular, is that there was a knot in my belly that started to release.  I hadn’t even known it was there, but I felt it relax, and knew this was a good and necessary step.  I started to notice that my physical body felt much less solid.  I feel lighter, looser, almost translucent (metaphorically speaking), and at the same time genuinely, palpably Present.

That awareness of Presence I identify with God.  The perception is one of infinite patience, connection, awareness, and love.  Everything I have been taught God is, without the theological conceptual jargon, is there.  Is Here.  Is unshakably, irrevocably, unconditionally Present.  It is a Presence I have never encountered before, and I want that sense of Presence to deepen and develop within me.
Mooji would say that there are no ‘practices’ required to experience the pure awareness of this Presence.  In other words, God’s grace is unmerited.  I don’t earn it, I’m not graded on my effort or my skill at achieving it.  God is simply there, and I simply see.  However, there may be actions or practices that flow from that seeing, and of these I will write in my next post.
