Taking the Hermitage on the Road

This week I leave for a conference in Atlanta, GA, and will not have the solace of my beloved hermitage for some five days.  How, then, to retain my sense of groundedness while away from home?

First, prayer.  I will take my morning and evening prayers with me.  I will take my mala beads to count out the mantras of meditation.  I will pray for the safety of everyone who is flying, who is piloting, who is traveling, who is attending the conference.  Prayer will be a constant companion.

Second, silence.  In the midst of some pretty crazy days (I've been to the conference before, so I know what to expect), I will take time to step away and find peace.  I will unplug for most of the time.  My students know I'm away, and they know when I will check email for messages.  Other than that, I trust they will be all right without me. Within the silence I will breathe.  Breathing in, I will remember the hermitage as refuge, breathing out I will remember the hermitage as a symbol of the refuge that resides within.

Last, I will practice gratitude -- for the means to travel, for the opportunity to hear from scholars who have devoted their lives to the study of religion in all its manifestations, for my beloved companion coming with me, and for a safe return home.

I will post again after Thanksgiving.  Blessings to all.
